Sunday, 29 April 2012


So all that can be done has been done. It's now time to hand in my work for marking. This project as expected has been the hardest project on the course. The amount of time I've spent staring at the same objects for is enough to make any normal person go mad. I'm quite ready for a nice long break now.

The start of the project caught me off guard. I thought my original idea of making my own disco/nightclub was a good idea and I had started making plans to do it. After being told that it would be very boring, I was pointed in the direction of the L.A.X theme building. I had to start again from scratch and bin all the research and concepting I had on my Disco and move onto this new idea. The building itself I found interesting but It wasn't something I would have chosen.

My research and concepting wasn't as thorough as I would have liked due to me dedicating time to my scrapped idea. The stuff I did produce though was at a standard that I found acceptable for the time frame I did it in. I also started to research the architectural movemement that the building was designed by so i could understand what I would be modelling a bit better. I would have loved to have spent more time planning but I knew I had alot to start modelling.

The actual blockout of the level went very smoothly. I had the whole level (barring a few assets that I realised I needed at a later date) modelled quite quickly. This was a blessing aswell as a curse. Thinking that I had modelled certain to perfection meant I didn't check them in relation to others. This led to some errors with spatial irregularities in the level. As soon as they where pointed out they were corrected and I was able to carry on with progress.

The rest of the project proceeded with more minor problems but none that I can think of right now that would deserve a place in this post. So my final thoughts on what I have produced.

I think I succeeded in producing a level of the Encounter Restaurant in accordance to the original models and sketches. However I do think that I still made some mistakes with some of the fixtures.
I believe you would be able to tell that this is the LAX theme building but I wouldn't count it as a realistic interpretation of it into 3D. So in that respect I think I faulted on that front. I do however not consider this a failure nor do I see this as a success.

Everything that I have learnt and produced over the last 3 years has been part of a curve of learning that I didn't think I was capable of. I've said it before and I'll say it again. When I started the course I had no experience with 3D modelling or even what really went into making computer games. I'm glad I chose to do this course.

My friends have decribed my workloads as ridiculous at times and I've fallen distant with alot of them because of the course. I have enjoyed the work really, It's kept me busy and out of trouble. I would love to have done enough to warrant consideration for job position somewhere. However being the pessimist I am, I'm not to sure I have. What ever happens after my final week I will continue to produce 3D art, but maybe not at the rate I have been as I might be working a 9-5 somewhere.

So concludes my final post on this blog, unless I upload some extra pieces in my own time if I get around to tweaking the areas I don't like. My other blog I think I will continue with. I haven't posted on it in a while due to work. Or I may just leave these blogs as shrines to my University days and start up another blog where moan about the world and be brave on the internet.

Cheers for reading/skimming.

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